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Counselling & Vocational Guidance

In the framework of the new policy in relation to Lifelong Learning, and within the National Network of Lifelong Learning, E.O.P.P.E.P.  is one of the administrative bodies for lifelong learning regarding its responsibilities linked to counselling and career guidance. Counselling and/or Career Guidance providers are also part of the National Network of Lifelong Learning as the relevant bodies providing lifelong learning services.

At national level, E.O.P.P.E.P. is responsible for:

  •      providing scientific and technical support to the relevant stakeholders in the Ministries of Education and Employment in designing and implementing a National Policy on Guidance and Counselling,
  •      the development of communication and coordination of actions taken by private and public counselling and guidance service providers, aiming at the improvement of existing services,
  •      the education, initial and continuous training of counselling and guidance practitioners, in collaboration with/or supplementing those provided by current training services in the relevant Ministries of Employment and Education,
  •      defining the conditions and rules under which guidance and counselling services should operate, the relevance and adequacy of counselling and guidance practitioners’ qualifications and keeping the relevant registers,
  •      designing and implementing actions of counselling and guidance supporting the work of counsellors and of lifelong support of citizens for development and career management,
  •      participating in the formulation of standards, rules and procedures for quality assurance consulting services and guidance under the National Quality Framework for lifelong learning.
 At European level, E.O.P.P.E.P. is:
  • -  the National Euroguidance Centre, member of the Euroguidance network, with the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme,
  • the national body representing Greece in the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network – ELGPN, established by the European Commission in 2007.


Target Groups benefiting from E.O.P.P.E.P.‘s work:

-    counselling and vocational guidance practitioners, career development practitioners in education, training and employment in public and private sectors,

-    public and private stakeholders providing counselling and vocational guidance services in the areas of education, training and employment,   

-    interested citizens (school and university students, parents, the unemployed, professionals etc that seek information about counselling and vocational guidance services and learning, employment and mobility opportunities,

-    all members of the Greek society as potential beneficiaries of quality counselling and vocational guidance services at regional and national level. 



Contact EOPPEP Career Guidance Directorate:

  National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (ΕOPPEP)

  Career Guidance Directorate - Euroguidance Centre of Greece
  41 Ethnikis Antistaseos Avenue, Νea Ionia, 14234, Athens Greece

  Tel. 0030 210 2709175 – 210 2709183 e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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